/* Jquery Validation using jqBootstrapValidation example is taken from jqBootstrapValidation docs */ $(function() { $("section.contact-w3ls input,section.contact-w3ls textarea").jqBootstrapValidation({ preventSubmit: true, submitError: function($form, event, errors) { // something to have when submit produces an error ? // Not decided if I need it yet }, submitSuccess: function($form, event) { event.preventDefault(); // prevent default submit behaviour // get values from FORM var name = $("section.contact-w3ls input#name").val(); var phone = $("section.contact-w3ls input#phone").val(); var email = $("section.contact-w3ls input#email").val(); var message = $("section.contact-w3ls textarea#message").val(); var firstName = name; // For Success/Failure Message // Check for white space in name for Success/Fail message if (firstName.indexOf(' ') >= 0) { firstName = name.split(' ').slice(0, -1).join(' '); } $.ajax({ url: "#", type: "POST", data: { name: name, phone: phone, email: email, message: message }, cache: false, success: function() { // Success message $('#success').html("
"); $('#success > .alert-success').html(""); $('#success > .alert-success') .append("Your message has been sent. "); $('#success > .alert-success') .append('
'); //clear all fields $('#contactForm').trigger("reset"); }, error: function() { // Fail message $('#success').html("
"); $('#success > .alert-danger').html(""); $('#success > .alert-danger').append("Sorry " + firstName + " it seems that my mail server is not responding... Could you please email me directly to .alert-danger').append('
'); //clear all fields $('#contactForm').trigger("reset"); }, }) }, filter: function() { return $(this).is(":visible"); }, }); $("a[data-toggle=\"tab\"]").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).tab("show"); }); }); /*When clicking on Full hide fail/success boxes */ $('#name').focus(function() { $('#success').html(''); });